Friday, February 28, 2020

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Proposal - Essay Example The proposed comprises of preliminary literature review as well that will be beneficial in creating fundamental framework before carrying out the research. Lastly, the research proposal includes methodology section that specifies selection of secondary, as well as primary research methodology that will be very effective in efficient acquisition of data. INTRODUCTION The focus on forming valuable associations with clients is not a fresh approach within the field of business. The growing competition in addition to lessening customer loyalty have created the need for applying innovative tools to facilitate businesses to do well in the competition and win customers’ loyalty by offering more modified products. Fast development within ‘information systems applications’ that allow business-client communication along with the boom of ‘internet technology’ have given companies with additional potential to manage increasing understanding obtained by clients alo ng with the varying nature of their requirements for particular products (Finnegan & Willcocks, p. 94, 2007). Whereas, the mainstream of companies attempt to apply CRM systems, they come across the upsetting reality of the large percentage of collapse within their CRM implementations. As a reply to the need of dealing with the issue of the high failure ratio of CRM ventures, various researchers have created a range of frameworks for CRM implementation. In this regard, the proposed research is an attempt to analyze different factors related to the process of CRM implementation. Research Objectives Before carrying out research, it is very imperative that the researcher ensures clarified understanding of aims and objectives, as it is an observation that vague objectives often result in unproductive outcomes, and thus, the research proposal will now include aims and objectives of the proposed research: Identify and examine various internal and external factors that play a determining ro le in ensuring success of CRM implementation Inspect the level of impact of identified factors in banking institutions in Saudi Arabia Investigate the impact of identified CRM implementation factors in the case study of a two banking organizations in Saudi Arabia Recommend strategies that may ensure successful implementation of CRM in banking institutions and organizations globally, and particularly, in the corporate society of Saudi Arabia Research Statement In this regard, the researcher will focus on the following research statement to fulfill the aims and objectives of the research: â€Å"To identify and investigate the implementation of CRM in Saudi Arabia, and evaluate different factors that ensures successful ERM implementation† LITERATURE REVIEW There is a common recognition among researchers about the classification of CRM constituents. CRM involves three key constituents, which are information technology, individuals, and business traditions. The involvement of ever y part differs in accordance with the level of CRM implementation. Technology means computing potential that let a business to gather, arrange, save, and utilize records regarding its customer. Technology is the facilitator for CRM systems to successfully attain their goals of collecting, categorizing, and saving important information on

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Children's Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children's Literature - Essay Example The cerebellum and basal ganglia follow, to control movement.† (Begley, 2000). Once the system for movement has been established, the child’s limbic system comes into play that enhances the child’s memory as well as feelings. Finally, the child’s cerebral cortex develops to facilitate the process of thinking. New born babies cry when they hear other babies in their surrounding crying. This is fundamentally because of the sympathetic trait of human nature and the intrinsic urge to help others. A 3 months old baby is smart enough to identify his/her mother in the scrambled picture and a 13 to 15 months old child starts to take decisions on his/her level about who to be with and where to be. (Brant and Wingert, 2005). Despite the already developed brain a baby is born with, he/she requires external influence to mature as a child. Intimate relatives, specially the parents play a special role in shaping the children’s approach towards understanding and reacting to the world around them. How a child is treated in his/her early years of childhood has an impact on how the child will treat others when he/she becomes an adult. What he/she is appreciated for and what he/she is taunted for lays the standards for the child to judge the future matters with. If a child is not nurtured properly in the critical initial childhood years, he/she can not be expected to attain leadership qualities in the future. â€Å"Nature and nurture thus appear to act together seamlessly, in a developmental duet.† (Brazelton and Greenspan, 2000). Researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine have discovered that brain of kids who have not been into games or else have not been touched by their parents much are ge nerally 20% to 30% smaller than their counterparts. (Nash, 1997). One of the biggest challenges in front of parents in the modern age is to decide in what hands to