Thursday, September 3, 2020

Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies Research Paper

Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies - Research Paper Example nsulting administrations whereby obligation guarantors demand rating offices to guide them on the way to structure their obligation issues with the point of making sure about an ideal rating (Crockett, Harris, Mishkin and White, 2004). In such conditions, the FICO score organizations are as a result evaluating their own work. In addition, FICO assessment organizations may convey positive evaluations so as obtain additional customers for the auxiliary counseling business. A great part of the difficulties related with Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies identify with the dependability and honesty of evaluations. Financial specialists use FICO scores that reflect the likelihood of default to discover the reliability of certain obligation protections (Langohr and Langohr, 2008). Irreconcilable situation can yield a lessening in the progression of dependable data focusing on either disguise of the data, or spread of deluding data (Brooks and Dunn, 2010). This has critical results on the estimation of stakeholder’s benefits. The business sectors can in certain examples improve the effects of irreconcilable circumstances inside money related administrations firms and can't generally contain the motivating forces to misuse irreconcilable situations. A portion of the ways to deal with helping irreconcilable circumstance incorporate: â€Å"leaving it to the market† or letting market powers settle the contention by punishing monetary firms that adventure irreconcilable situation and founding new institutional intends to contain irreconcilable situation (Brooks and Dunn, 2010). Different methodologies incorporate controlling for straightforwardness through required revelation and administrative oversight. Extra methodologies towards helping irreconcilable situations inside FICO assessment organizations include detachment of capacities and socialization of data creation. Taking everything into account, there is a need to improve responsibility of Credit Rating Agencies in order to nullify the entanglements related with irreconcilable circumstance (Werther and Chandler, 2006). Notoriety stays one of the key

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Memory Joggers to Frame Your Lessons

Memory Joggers to Frame Your Lessons A trouble that numerous understudies have in the wake of going through a day in class is taking shape the key focuses and holding the data instructed. In this manner, as instructors we ought to commit time in every exercise to helping understudies see through the subtleties deeply of what is being educated. This should be possible through a mix of verbal and composed signs. Following is a gander at a portion of the manners in which that you can help understudies as they work through day by day exercises in your group. Start With the Focus for the Afternoon State What Students Will Be Able to Do toward the End of the Lesson destinations convert fahrenheit to celsius temperature scale celsius Day by day Agenda Posted With Topics/Subtopics Furnish Students With a Notes Outline Materials and Equipment Lists Movement Structure Day's end Review Significance for Tomorrows Lesson Much the same as network shows end seasons with cliffhangers to whet the craving and energize watchers for the following season, finishing exercises by building enthusiasm for the following day can fill a similar need. This can likewise help outline the data instructed in the bigger setting of the unit or by and large theme being educated.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cisco Case Study Essay Example for Free

Cisco Case Study Essay Cisco Systems is an industry head in arrange innovation. Their essential business is innovation that is utilized to empower correspondence with individuals everywhere throughout the world with various capacities. Regardless of whether it be email, voice video or general applications these administration are shipped over Cisco Networks. The present CEO is John Chambers who has held the situation since 1995. This contextual analysis centers around his vision and procedure in the course of recent years. Cisco is a market chief in systems administration innovation. Money related Information: www. (1) Deals 2012 Sales/Revenue/Turnover: Absolute Operating Revenues. $46,681,000,000 Net Profit $28,558,000,00 Overall gain $ 8,356,000,000 Key Milestones in Cisco’s History (2) 1997 All in One: Data/Voice/Video 2000 Network of Networks 2006 Network as Platform 2008-Current Collaboration/Web 2.0 SWOT ANALYSIS Cisco’s’ inside qualities are its kin. They have an assembled a partnership with more than 70,000 representatives. 1/3 of those are Engineering individuals who create Cisco’s arrangements. (2). These arrangements originate from inside plan or from acquisitions. There shortcoming is the size of the partnership contrasted with when they were in there early days. They challenges adjusting to client requests at the quick pace the innovation business changes. The open doors have accompanied the utilization of acquisitions. At the point when they need to add a bit of innovation to their portfolio they now and again sidestep the advancement procedure and get an organization with the required skill. The significant dangers to the business are the quantity of representatives who leave and go to contenders. Huge numbers of Cisco’s contenders are controlled by previous Cisco representatives. See Investigation VIA PORTER’S FIVE FORCES MODEL Investigate the serious condition by posting the danger of new participants, the bartering intensity of purchasers, the haggling intensity of providers, the risk of substitute items and administrations, and the power of contention among rivals in the business (Chapter 2). Sum up your key focuses in a Figure. (25 focuses) Cisco’s’ risk of new contestants is restricted due to Cisco’s showcase top on arrange Switching: Modular/Fixed (2) . They at present hold a 69% market top sue to their structure and work of these gadgets. Their rivals have replicated and copied these items and there are just bunch that contend. The haggling power as a purchaser dependent on thre volume permits them to continue fabricating costs low. There providers thus have solid dealing power with their silicon and chip produces. New Chipsets are grown quickly and providers can increase an upper hand over the producers. The risk of substitute items is a typical topic with Cisco. A model was a Chinese organization took Cisco’s structure and began creating copy equipment. Long stretches of prosecution was later settled anyway the expense to do so was a significant effect. (3)This caused an exceptional contention with its rival 3Com who banded together with the Chinese organization (4). The other issue with its rivals is its ability pool. Huge numbers of Cisco’s engineers leave for contender bearing in mind the end goal of making the up and coming age of innovation. System USED Cisco’s upper hand in the exchanging market has driven them into being market pioneers in different divisions. Having the piece of the pie of the center system as the base layer of Infrastructure permits them to see the need of its clients. These divisions have all been petitioners that use the Cisco center systems administration items that today has presented to them an industry piece of the overall industry in the accompanying territory. The center technique utilized is there generally cost initiative to make this upper hand Execution Market share per segment Security 31% Advanced Video: IPTV-64% Exchanging: Modular/Fixed-69% Voice-37% Remote: LAN-54% Capacity: Area Networks-44% Directing: Edge/Core/Access-53% Organized Home-23% Web Conferencing-38% (2) One center procedure they utilized in the region of separation was the presentation of Voice over the system. Voice is a heritage innovation made more than 100 years back and as of not long ago was run with a similar unique structure ideas. Cisco changed that framework purchase running voice over the IP arrange. Today VOIP telephone frameworks are a norm and the first POTS (plain old pots lines) are currently viewed as heritage. They utilized acquisitions to purchase telephone suppliers and separate there center basic and produce them on IP systems., permitting today the utilization of voice over your PC Email Text. They were extremely fruitful in this space anyway not all organizations can utilize this methodology for this specific innovation. There introduce base is so solid the market is soaked and would not be savvy. This system anyway is currently in the development phase of the business life cycle. They contain 69% of the voice market and they are kept on developing. The center establishments will in the long run decrease anyway the administration to keep up the telephones frameworks will keep on staying in the development stage. Cisco’s system depends on getting market transitionsâ€the showcase advances that influence our clients. With the expansion of video and synergistic Web 2.0 innovations, the system keeps on advancing from the pipes of the Internetâ€providing connectivityâ€to the stage that will change the manner in which we work, live, play and learn.â€â€"John Chambers, Chairman and CEO, Cisco THE ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FACING THIS COMPANY Cisco’s’ upper hand in certain segments can be kept up. The general advancement should proceed anyway more vulnerable parts where they have lost spotlight on have declined. In the case of the home Networked part they keep up a low 23% piece of the pie. This has not been inline what the projections were the point at which they entered these business sectors. As of late they have reported they are moving endlessly from the locally established market with an offer of their Linksys lien to Belkin (5) I accept the companies’ upper hand can be kept up in the event that they center around regions where they have control on piece of the overall industry. Shedding unfruitful business, for example, Linksys is a positive development. This item is unmistakably on the decay side and Cisco should concentrate on development regions, for example, stockpiling region systems. The companies’ culture is changing from when they were a littler undertaking they had the option to move with showcase needs more rapidly. The furious rivalry in the home market was one of the organization issues. I accept that they are a ventures organization supplier of administrations and don't comprehend the requirements of locally situated clients. Strategy RECOMMENDED I would encourage Cisco to concentrate on server stockpiling areas. They are not a market chief in servers, for example, HP yet have new items that are changing the manner in which we organizations use servers. This is a separation technique that will change the business whenever done effectively. They made a virtual server arrangement called UCS that if showcases effectively could accomplish future development in the server stockpiling segment. (6) I would utilize my market force and client to base to give these arrangements requiring little to no effort and this will uncover a wide client base to the item Feeling What's your opinion of this contextual analysis? Portray what you accept are the exercises gained from this case. (10 focuses) I think this contextual investigation demonstrated me new ideas in vital administration. By examining Cisco’s showcase strength dependent on 46 billion in incomes I currently comprehend that having an upper hand must be kept up. Seeing Cisco presently leaving markets is another course for them and these ideas have carried me to get that. REFERENCES At the point when you have finished the paper utilizing the above areas, embed a page break and have a different references page. The references ought to be recorded as per the APA rules as appeared in the instructional exercise. (5 focuses) (1) (2)

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Criminal Justice Technology - Free Essay Example

Technology within the Criminal Justice System has evolved through the years. DNA is one type of technology that has revolutionized the criminal justice system. Law enforcement uses this method to aide in the capture and conviction of criminals; at times have led to exonerate criminals who were wrongly convicted. There is still a lot that can be learned about DNA and all the possibilities that DNA may be able to prove. Fingerprints are not the only technology that has vastly improved within the criminal justice system. In 1984, Dr. Alec Jefferys, an English geneticist, discovered what is known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) DNA fingerprinting or DNA Profiling (DNAs Detective Story, 2004). Dr. Jefferys found sequences of regions of DNA repeated over and over again and the number of sections repeated could differ from person to person (DNA Basic History). With these DNA sequence variations, the ability to perform identity tests on humans were developed (DNA Basic History) . DNA is a genetic material that can be found in a persons semen, skin cells, tissue, organs, muscle, brain cells, bone, teeth, hair, saliva, mucus, perspiration, fingernails, urine, feces, etc. (DNA Basic Biology). DNA such as sweat, skin, blood, tissue can be found on handles of weapons, hats, eyeglasses, facial tissue, dirty laundry and other various items (DNA Basic Indentifying DNA). Saliva can be found on items such as toothpicks, cigarette butts, postage stamps. Envelope flaps, bottle, cans or glass, pillows, and various other items (DNA Basic Indentifying DNA). Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, and Adenine are the four building blocks for which DNA is comprised (DNA Basic Indentifying DNA) In 1985, Great Britain authorities were seeking to deport a teenager from Ghana who came to Great Britain to join his mother (DNAs Detective Story, 2004). Mr. Jefferys was able to provide the court with DNA evidence showing that half of the teenagers bands matched his mother and the other hal f his father, thereby saving the teenager from being deported (DNAs Detective Story, 2004). The first documented criminal case using DNA led to the 1987 conviction of Colin Pitchfork in England for the rape and murder of two people (DNAs Detective Story, 2004). Tommy Lee Andrews of Orlando is the first person in the U.S. to be convicted in a 1987 rape case, using DNA profiling (Inman, Rudin, 2002 July 02). The DNA profiling proved Andrews was guilty of rape by a 10 billion-to-1 probability (Willing, N.D.) In April 2001, a cold hit was made to the perpetrators convicted offender DNA profile in the database (DNA Initiative Night Stalker). It was a break Goldsboro Police Department, Goldsboro North Carolina had been waiting for (DNA Initiative Night Stalker) The DNA hit was on Linwood Forte who was brought in after he was convicted of shooting into an occupied dwelling (DNA Initiative Night Stalker). After Mr. Forte a search warrant had been obtained and served for a DNA swap, it ma tched with a cold case in July 1990 (DNA Initiative Night Stalker). In July 1990, three elderly women were raped and stabbed to death (DNA Initiative Night Stalker) One of the elderly womens husband had been stabbed to death as well (DNA Initiative Night Stalker) This shows that DNA evidence that is properly collected and preserved can prove to be a an excellent tool in helping anyone in the Criminal Justice Field to solve cold case files. The first person to be exonerated by DNA evidence is Kirk Bloodsworth (Innocence Project, N.D). Mr. Bloodsworth was sentenced to death for a murder, sexual assault and rape of a nine year old girl, he did not commit in Maryland in 1984 (Innocence Project, N.D). Mr. Bloodsworths arrest came from an anonymous tip stating they had seen him with the girl the same day (Innocence Project, N.D.). Identification was made after a witness identified him as the man they had seen from a police sketch (Innocence Project, N.D.). After his conviction in March 1985, Mr. Bloodsworth lawyers were able to get a new trial based up on evidence that law enforcement had another suspect that had been withheld from Mr. Bloodsworth defense attorneys (Innocence Project, N.D.). Mr. Bloodsworth was again found guilty, but this time he was sentenced to two life terms in prison (Innocence Project, N.D.). The prosecution agreed in 1992 for a DNA test to be done by Forensic Science Associates (Innocence Project, N.D.). Even though the spermatozoa amount on the slide insufficient after Forensic Science Associates performed, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based testing (Innocence Project, N.D.). However, testing performed by Forensic Science Associates and The FBI on the victims panties excluded Mr. Bloodsworth (Innocence Project, N.D.). After he had served 8 years in prison, in June 1993, including the two years he was facing execution Mr. Bloodsworth was released (Innocence Project, N.D.). In 2003, the Innocence Protection Act was introduced and establi shes Mr. Bloodsworth DNA exonerating him and the act will provide funding for DNA testing (Innocence Project, N.D.). For more than 21 years, the Dereck Bachmann searched for his sister Marci, who had ran away from her Vancouver, Washington in May of 1984 (Ritter, 2007). Through the 21 years, Dereck searched newspapers, files of missing persons and hired a private investigator. (Ritter, 2007). In 2004 there was break in the case (Ritter, 2007). A cold case detective in Missoula, Washington sent a femur from the Deer Creek remains lab to the Center for Human Remains (CHP) for A DNA test to be ran (Ritter, 2007). After the test was performed, the scientist uploaded the information into the CODIS database (Ritter, 2007). In King County, Washington, detectives came across the case file of Marci Bachmann (Ritter, 2007). The detectives were able to track down Marcis mother, father and brother and obtained a DNA samples (Ritter, 2007). Closure for Marcis family on April 6, 2006 when the DNA samples made a hit on remains that had been found just a few months after Marci went missing (Ritter, 2007). In 1990, the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) began as a pilot software project by FBI (CODIS Combined DNA Index System). The project served 14 state and local laboratories (CODIS Combined DNA Index System). In 1994 when the DNA Identification Act was formed, the FBI establishes the National DNA Index System for use by law enforcement agencies (CODIS Combined DNA Index System). CODIS software is used in over 25 countries laboratories and over 170-law enforcement agencies participate in the NDIS (CODIS Combined DNA Index System). The Combined DNA Index System is funded by the FBI in order for public forensic DNA laboratories to create a database of searchable DNA profiles (DNA Initiative DNA Databases). CODIS allows laboratories access and to be able to share and compare information (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). There are two indexes that the CODIS use: the co nvicted offender index and forensic index (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). Individuals convicted of crimes ranging from misdemeanors to sexual assault and murder have their DNA is stored in the convicted offender index (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). The DNA profiles stored in the forensic index come from evidence obtained from crime scenes (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). When a DNA profile is entered into CODIS, a potential match is automatically searched for (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). If a match is found in the forensic index, serial offenders can be identified and linked to other crimes scenes (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). If a match is made between both convicted and forensic indexes, it can indentify an offender and can give investigators probable cause to collect a new DNA sample from a suspect (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). CODIS DNA profiles are entered from local, state and national laboratories. Local laboratories maintain local forensic profiles in their l ocal DNA index system and upload DNA profile information into the State DNA index system (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). The state uploads the DNA profiles to NDIS (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). The types of files that can be entered into the DNA database are forensic files, arrestee profiles, suspect profiles, unidentified human remains, missing persons, and relative of missing person profiles (DNA Initiative, DNA Databases). Just like fingerprints, DNA is unique to each person with the exception of identical twins (DNA Initiative, DNA Basics). Any DNA collected from a crime scene can either implicate or eliminate a suspect (DNA Initiative, DNA Basics). DNA can and has been used to identify human remains after comparing DNA taken from a relative (DNA Initiative Identifying Missing Persons). It can also be used in linking two or more crime scenes together DNA Initiative, DNA Basics). When the DNA evidence is compared using CODIS, it can link crime scenes locally, statewide and nationally to the same perpetrator (DNA Initiative, DNA Basics). As you can see, DNA can be a powerful tool used in a court of law. DNA has aided law enforcement agencies in the capture and conviction of criminal offenders. DNA has been used to solve cold case files and exonerate people who were wrongfully convicted. In order for DNA evidence to be upheld in court, the crime scene investigator has to make sure all evidence is collected, bagged and stored properly and free from contamination. Technology has come a long way. DNA is just one of the many technologies that are available to law enforcement. Technology in the criminal justice will forever be evolving with new ideas and developments. Someday, maybe, the criminal justice system will have the technology to obtain evidence from a suspect or crime scene and get results in a matter of minutes instead of days or weeks.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

McDonalds French Fries Are Still Not Vegetarian

Most animal-rights activists follow a plant-based diet for ethical reasons and studiously avoid places where meat makes up the bulk of the menu. Still, vegetarians or vegans  occasionally find themselves inclined to sneak into McDonalds for a serving of the famous Golden Arches French fries every now and then. But if theyre serious about living meat-free, they should stop. In spite of numerous protests—and even lawsuits—McDonalds fries are not, and never have been, vegan or vegetarian. But how can that be? you may ask. French fries are made from potatoes and fried in oil, so wheres the harm? (Hint: Its in the oil.) McDonalds Fries in India vs. the U.S. In India, cows are sacred and are not meant for human consumption. Fortunately, in that country, vegetarians can consume all the McDonalds French fries their hearts desire because theyre made of strictly plant-based ingredients. In fact, in India, McDonalds locations do not serve pork or beef products at all. But French fries served at American McDonald’s locations are not vegetarian. Why not, you ask? For decades, McDonald’s fries were cooked in animal fat (lard) which was supposedly what gave them their famous flavor. Eventually, the chain switched to vegetable oil, but customers complained that the fries were no longer as tasty. The companys solution was to add natural beef flavor to the spuds during the production cycle. Whats Your Beef? A Class-Action Lawsuit In 2001, McDonald’s was hit with a class-action lawsuit, led by a group of Hindu customers who felt they were being duped into unwittingly consuming animal products—which is strictly against their religion. Other vegetarians and vegans joined the fight, pointing out that the company was disseminating misleading information. Customers were being told that the French fries were fried in vegetable oil—the inference being that the fries were no longer cooked in lard and were therefore veg-friendly. Admitting that the fries were coated in beef flavoring, McDonalds settled for $10 million, with $6 million going to vegetarian organizations. But they didn’t change their recipe. In fact, their website still lists the ingredients, including beef, for all to see. As a company spokesperson explained: â€Å"With regard to our French fries, any customer in the U.S. who contacts McDonalds USA to ask if they contain beef flavoring is told, Yes. The same McDonalds representative went on to say, We have no plans to change the way we prepare our French fries in the U.S. However, it is important to know that our French fries are prepared differently in other countries.† How the Beef Gets in the Fries In the U.S, McDonalds French fry suppliers add a very small amount of beef flavor to the oil in the par-frying process at the potato processing plant before shipping the fries to individual outlets. Once at the restaurant, the spuds are cooked in vegetable oil. For vegans and vegetarians, this extra step a deal-breaker. How difficult would it be to omit the meat? Probably not that difficult at all, however, the impact on the bottom line could potentially be enormous. In India, where the majority of customers are vegetarian or vegan, not accommodating meat-free food choices doesnt make sense from an economic standpoint. In the United States, however, the opposite is true. If McDonalds started leaving out the signature ingredient thats long given their fries their famous flavor, if you asked Americans, Do you want fries with that? the answer could very well be, No!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien - 1377 Words

Tyler Nooney Trafford P.6 The Things They Carried Essay The central theme and true meaning of courage is shown vividly in numerous instances throughout Tim O’Brien’s classic novel The Things They Carried. O’Brien’s novel begins with the courage of coming of age, along with the author’s loss of his innocence. Tim, the protagonist of this novel, goes through an incredible change in belief when he must choose to either run away from the Vietnam War or unwillingly join the bloody battle, of which he strongly did not have faith in. The main courageous occurrence that O’Brien was showing the reader was the fear of going to war, and the integrity behind holding ones beliefs and morals in fighting for their country. The Things They Carried shows†¦show more content†¦O’Brien uses explicit details and imagery to illustrate what the experience was like for the terrified men. Although they are sad for the loss of their friend Lavender, and try as hard as they can to be courageous, their major feeling is of relief, mainly because they are still living. Courage is shown in the â€Å"The Things They Carried† with this quote. â€Å"They carried the soldier’s greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to. It was what had brought them to the war in the first place, nothing positive, no dreams of glory or honor, just to avoid the blush of dishonor. They died so as not to die of embarrassment.† (p. --) This quotation is O’Brien expressing his reasons for having the courage in going to Vietnam, instead of being a coward. At the same time he is giving the reader a generalization that foreshadows the later several references towards courage and cowardice. â€Å"On the Rainy River† is a story recalled by O’Brien that he states has never told to anyone. â€Å"To go into it, I’ve always thought, would only cause embarrassment for all of us †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 39) By coming out and telling his readers this confession only shows his courage from it in the long run. The story develops the theme of embarrassment as a motivating factor, just as Jimmy Cross feels guilty about Ted Lavender’s death, O’Brien feels guilty about going to

Economic Development and Progress

Question: Describe about the Economic Development and Progress. Answer: The tremendous strides that mankind have made can be attributed to the technological, economic, social and other aspects of development. With the development and progress, many people have access to tools that help them breed or come up with good ideas. Had it been possible for these ideas to be implemented, further growth and development would be realized. The major hurdle is access to funding which can drive the conception and actualization of ideas. This is the position into which our companys relevance comes into play. Besides providing finances, the company will provide the necessary leadership, guidance, mentorship and support along each stage of idea conception an actualization. The rationale behind the design and development of this site is simply the desire to provide a platform for people with good ideas. We do not stop there: the site provides laudable options for financing. Besides, the site contains a number of services for children. This is because children tend to have some good ideas but may not be able to have the support of their parents and friends. Secondly, the growing number of problems due to technological advances and population growth, such as marine pollution, air pollution, and child disappearance, global warming, and so on, still need to be improved. This, we believe, provides exciting opportunities for those who can come up with ideas. Everyone with good idea can put their ideas on our website. All we will do is help them to raise funds, or to find someone to give to the people to find a way to solve the problem. They invest. Our site is divided into three projects: individual project; star a project; daydream project. The first individual project is a well-planned idea, we will set two options for you, the first is that you plan a good person but their limited capacity can only help you complete your plan (donation). People can choose to unconditionally support your idea can also choose to have a return on contributions, for example: When your idea is to create a product and has been completed, they have to complete their funding, Can be purchased at their original prices, or free to let them use. The second is a start a project. We will carefully understand your idea, make a series of ads to help you carry out a series of financing plans, and improve your idea so that it will be more attractive to investors. We will show you the product profile as soon as possible and tell you that the product plan will soon be funded. The last one is daydream project This part is about our company part, we will develop and innovate some new good idea and then put our site for financing, or buy some of what we think is promising and conducive to social progress of the idea , And then we carry out research and study to solve a series of problems, the final development. We chose to do this because we found that a lot of people have good ideas, and these ideas can be beneficial to social and even global development. So we think this is a necessary plan

Monday, April 20, 2020

Operations Management Report free essay sample

It outlines the findings of an observation made on Saturday, 30th March, 2013 which established that long queues are a common occurrence at Movie World theme park particularly during peak times. The report will examine the body of knowledge in the existing literature with regard to queuing at theme parks and how it affects guest satisfaction, it will then suggest possible solutions, drawing from the literature review and then provide an evaluation of the alternative solutions as well as recommend appropriate methods for the resolution of the queuing challenges at Movie World Theme park. The report concludes by reiterating the importance of effective queue management and its potential to reduce the level of moment of truth, a factor which is very critical to guest satisfaction. 2. 0Brief description of business and context-Movie World Theme Park Movie World theme park is a popular  movie  related  theme park  on the  Gold Coast  in  Australia which is owned and operated by  Village Roadshow Limited and is the only movie related park in Australia. We will write a custom essay sample on Operations Management Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Movie World operates various movie-themed rides and attractions ranging from motion simulators to roller coasters and slow river rides. It also boasts of   costumed character  performers who patrol the park, allowing visitors the chance to take photos with them. This paper will analyse the operations of the theme park as observed on Saturday, 30th March, 2013 with particular interest on queue management. Long and disorderly queues were observed on the day, this report will discuss queue management as an operation management problem that Movie World Theme Park needs to address, particularly at the ticketing offices and as visitors were waiting to get on roller coaster and slow river rides. This is because according to Norman (2009), long lines at theme parks are a continual source of irritation for visitors and may impact on the quality of their experience. 3. 0Identification and analysis of Operations Management challenge-Long and disorderly queues At the ticketing offices, the queues are very long and sometimes disorderly; this is exacerbated by the fact that not all the booths are open at the same time in most cases. Heung, Tsang and Cheng (2009) suggest that most activities in which a service is provided require customers to wait in a queue during the experience, the problem of queuing is quite common in theme parks where visitors who patronise popular new attractions appear to be spending more and more time queuing, as they are forced to wait for a significant length of time simply to play a game or take an adventure ride at a theme park. They contend that waits for rides at attractions are the top complaints among guests. Research has shown that one thing that is inherent in waiting lines is the universal dislike for the process, the feelings and opinions developed in waiting lines influence the customers perception of the awaited experience (Cope, Cope III, Bass, Syrdal, H. A, 2011, Davis Heineke 1994). Desai and Hunsucker (2008) contend that the goal of many visitors at an amusement/ theme park is to experience the most number of rides and attractions possible within the stipulated time; they argue that during peak seasons a common sight at theme parks is a long queue of visitors waiting to seek the thrill and excitement of amusement rides. They further argue that coupled with a limited ride capacity, the park managers face major problems in coping with this heavy demand and high wait times on rides. This scenario of having to wait lengthy periods in queues indicates inferior service levels on the part of park management and may contribute to customer dissatisfaction. Davis Heineke (1994) suggests that the real issue in queue management is not the actual amount of time that the customer waits in a queue, but also the customer’s perception of that wait and his or her associated level of satisfaction, therefore providing a high level of customer satisfaction should be the true objective of effective queue management. The emphasis is customer satisfaction because it provides the necessary linkage between the level of service provided and the customer’s perception of the service and the customer’s future behaviour towards the firm. 4. 0Possible solutions to the challenge In order to mitigate the effects of long waiting time, Kostami and Ward (2009) submit that many service providers offer customers the choice of either waiting in a line or going offline and returning at a dynamically determined future time e. g. Disneyland. They argue however, that to operate such a system, the service provider must make an upfront decision on how to allocate service capacity between the lines especially considering the fact that the estimation of offline waiting times is complicated by the failure by some offline customers to return for service at their appointed time. Other solutions may include resolving capacity problems by increasing ride capacity through adding more infrastructure or increasing the capacity of existing equipment, though this may inevitably involve heavy capital expenditure (Desai and Hunsucker, 2008). Heung, Tsang and Cheng (2009), contend that customers who are unoccupied tend to perceive longer waiting times more negatively than customers who are occupied during their waits, this suggests that efforts aimed at occupying waiting customers with reading materials, interesting displays or providing opportunities for them to do their own tasks as they wait would minimise the negative perceptions that they would have about the waiting time. Further, Heung, Tsang and Cheng (2009) argue that a critical element in all facets of managing customer perception with respect to queues is the proper training of contact personnel especially in high visibility and low variety business environments like theme parks. Norman (2009) contends that measures such as advance reservations minimise the trauma of waiting but they must be seen as fair and equitable to those without reservations. Management may consider assigning customers numbers at arrival and then calling them in sequence. Norman (2009) submits that fairness of system and value of the ride could minimise perceived waiting time. Management should therefore, focus on giving people a good experience while waiting on a line. Management may also consider applying Little’s Law in working out average waiting time and the average number of guests waiting for a service, this will enable them determine average rate of arrivals to the system, thereby forecasting demand and hence reducing the adverse effects of queuing(Little, 2011). 5. 0Conclusion/Recommendations Long waiting time can negatively affect the guest experience and even result in balking or reneging on the part of the guest. It is therefore, recommended that to minimise on the negative effects of waiting time, more ticket booths are opened and more activities are introduced. Resolving capacity problems will enable management at Movie World theme park to minimise average cost when there are costs associated with customer abandonment and queuing. Of utmost importance is the need for management to focus on giving guests a good experience by ensuring that systems put in place to resolve these queuing challenges and thereby improve the through put, in the provision of the service, are seen to be fair by the customer. Effective queue management may mean the difference between quality guest experience, and therefore, zero moment of truth, and dissatisfied customers whose complaints if not well managed may result in loss of business for the service provider. In a business environment where the customer has a number of alternatives to choose from, it is important for service providers to take quality management seriously, and in the case of Movie World, management cannot afford to ignore the problems caused by queuing, considering its effects on guest satisfaction. References Cope, R. F. , Cope III, R. F. Bass, A. N. , Syrdal H. A. (2011). Innovative knowledge management at Disney: Human capital and queuing solutions for services. Journal of Service Science, 4(1), 13 Davis, M. M. , Heineke, J. (1994). Understanding the roles of the customer and the operation for better queue management. International Journal of Operations Production Management, 14(5), 21-34. doi:10. 1108/01443579410056777 Desai, S . S. , Hunsucker, J. L. (2008). A sensitivity analysis tool for improving the capacity of amusement rides. Journal of Simulation, 2(2), 117-126, doi:10. 1057/jos. 2008. 3 Heung, V. C. S. Tsang,N. , Chang, M. (2009). Queuing behaviour in theme parks: a comparison between Chinese and Western tourists. Journal of China Tourism Research, 5(1), 41-51 http://dx. doi. org/10. 1080/19388160802711394 Kostami, V. , Ward, A. R. (2009). Managing service systems with an offline waiting option and customer abandonment. Manufacturing and Service Operations management, 11(4), 644-656. Little, J. D. C. (2011). Little’s Law as viewed on its 50th anniversary. Operations Research, 59(3), 536-549 Norman, D. A. (2009). Designing waits that work. MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(4), 23-28

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Rain Boots Essays

Rain Boots Essays Rain Boots Essay Rain Boots Essay Essay Topic: The Winters Tale Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated- that is, become heavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the Earth. It provides suitable conditions for many types of ecosystem, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation. Interesting information Rain is also known or suspected on other planets, where it may be composed of methane, neon, sulfuric acid or even iron rather than water. Raining animals is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which flightless animals rain from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported in many countries throughout history. One hypothesis offered to explain this phenomenon is that strong winds traveling over water sometimes pick up creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles. The English language idiom it is raining cats and dogs, referring to a heavy downpour, is of uncertain etymology, and there is no evidence that it has any connection to the raining animals phenomenon. Note that this is a regular occurrence for birds, which can get killed in flight, or stunned, and then fall (unlike flightless creatures, which first have to be lifted into the air by an outside force). Sometimes this happens in large groups, for instance, the blackbirds falling from the sky in Beebe, Arkansas, United States on December 31, 2010. [ Red rain in Kerala From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Rain water sample (left) and after the particles settled (right). Dried sediment (center). Red rain collected in stainless steel vessels The Kerala red rain phenomenon was a blood rain (red rain) event that occurred from July 25 to September 23, 2001, when red-coloured rain sporadically fell on the southern Indian state of Kerala. Heavy downpours occurred in which the rain was colored red, staining clothes pink. [1] Yellow, green, and black rain was also reported. [2][3][4] Colored rain had been reported in Kerala as early as 1896 and several times since then,[5] most recently in June 2012. 6][7] It was initially thought that the rains were colored by fallout from a hypothetical meteor burst, but a study commissioned by the Government of India concluded that the rains had been colored by airborne spores from locally prolific terrestrial algae. [5] It was not until early 2006 that the colored rains of Kerala gained widespread attention when the popular media reported that Godfrey Louis and Santhosh Kumar of the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam proposed a controversial argument that the colored particles were extraterrestrial cells. 3][8][9] Red rains were also reported on November 15, 2012 in eastern and north-central provinces of Sri Lanka, where scientists from the Sri Lanka Medical Research Institute (MRI) are investigating to ascertain their cause. [10][11] Impact Effect on agriculture Rainfall estimates for southern Japan and the surrounding region from July 20–27, 2009. Precipitation, especially rain, has a dramatic effect on agriculture. All plants need at least some water to survive, therefore rain (being the most effective means of watering) is important to agriculture. While a regular rain pattern is usually vital to healthy plants, too much or too little rainfall can be harmful, even devastating to crops. Drought can kill crops and increase erosion,[110] while overly wet weather can cause harmful fungus growth. [111] Plants need varying amounts of rainfall to survive. For example, certain cacti require small amounts of water,[112] while tropical plants may need up to hundreds of inches of rain per year to survive. In culture Cultural attitudes towards rain differ across the world. In temperate climates, people tend to be more stressed when the weather is unstable or cloudy, with its impact greater on men than women. [117] Rain can also bring joy, as some consider it to be soothing or enjoy the aesthetic appeal of it. In dry places, such as India,[118] or during periods of drought,[119] rain lifts peoples moods. In Botswana, the Setswana word for rain, pula, is used as the name of the national currency, in recognition of the economic importance of rain in this desert country. 120] Several cultures have developed means of dealing with rain and have developed numerous protection devices such as umbrellas and raincoats, and diversion devices such as gutters and storm drains that lead rains to sewers. [121] Many people find the scent during and immediately after rain pleasant or distinctive. The source of this scent is petrichor, an oil produced by plants, then absorbed by rocks and soil, and later released into the air during rainfall. [122] 1. Cherrapunji, India:    498 Inches more rainy place in the world What to wear on rainy day? With the June gloom we’ve been experiencing across the US recently, I’ve received tons of emails from you guys wanting outfit ideas for rainy days. It can definitely be tough to dress for a rainy day because there are so many things to consider. From what type of material you can wear (suede shoes are a no-go) to how to stay dry without sacrificing style, dressing well when it’s rainy out requires a little planning in advance. Don’t worry, though! It’s easier than most people think to dress for a rainy day. Here are some rainy day fashion tips, as well as six outfit ideas for rainy days. Rainy Day Fashion Tips Add color! Don’t be scared to wear something bright and fun on a rainy day. Bad weather can be depressing, so why not go out of your way to wear something non-depressing and cute? A cute umbrella can be an accessory. There are so many adorable and cheap umbrellas available at stores like Target, so there’s really no excuse to stick to basic black. Buy a couple in your favorite colors if you live in a really rainy area and use them to add color to your look. Kids umbrellas are cheap, cute, and perfect for one person. I mentioned this in my article 25 Fashion ; Style Tips to Brighten Your Day as well, and though I’d repeat the tip here. Why not save a little cash, have some fun, and buy a really ridiculous kids umbrella? Don’t spend a lot on an umbrella. If you’re anything like me, you’ve lost more umbrellas than you care to remember. That’s why you should never spend much on them. Even if you aren’t prone to misplacing them, umbrellas still aren’t investment pieces – you don’t use them every day! So buy a cute one from Target and pleeeease skip the $250 Burberry version. A classic trench coat is always perfect for rainy weather. There aren’t many inexpensive and cute trenches in stores right now as it’s summer, so I didn’t include many in the outfits below. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love them! The trench coat is SUCH a classic ; essential piece that’s perfect for all occasions and especially rainy days. Be careful of the materials you wear in rain. I’m sure you probably know this already, but just in case†¦ Suede is off-limits in rain because water usually ruins it, and leather that hasn’t been treated with a protectant can easily be damaged by water as well. Don’t risk ruining your clothes – go with rubber, pleather, or protectant-treated leather shoes in rain and leave your favorite suede handbag at home. At the same time, don’t worry too much about a 100% waterproof jacket. If you plan ahead and have your umbrella on hand, your jacket won’t get wet enough for waterproofing to matter. Go crazy when it comes to rain boots. There are so many cute rain boots out there today to fit any sense of style – they literally come in every color under the sun. Have fun and find a pair you love! Much like umbrellas, you can go completely nuts with your rain boots and no one will mind. 6 Rainy Day Outfit Ideas Outfit #1 When it rains in the summer, you can get away with rain boots paired with shorts, a tee, and cardigan. By forgoing jeans in favor of shorts, you avoid having soaked pants all day. In the outfit below, I added some color with a bright scarf. Product Information: Cardigan – Forever 21, Tie-Dye Scarf – Aeropostale, Tee Shirt – American Eagle, Denim Cutoffs – Pacsun. com, Umbrella – Target, Rain Boots – Gabrielle Rocha, available at Zappos. com Outfit #2 The inspiration for this look came about when I found the adorable umbrella with an NYC subway sign print and had to find a way to include it in an outfit! A plain black dress becomes more interesting layered under a mustard acket (worn unzipped, of course), and pair of ultra trendy green Doc Martens. Product Information: NYC Subway Sign Umbrella – Target, Dress and Jacket – Forever 21, Green Patent Doc Martens – Zappos. com Outfit #3 This outfit would be perfect for a day when it’s REALLY raining. The jacket is a â€Å"Pac-a-Poncho† from TopShop, so it’s super waterproof. But unlike the typical ugly yellow poncho, this one actually has style. When paired with neutral grey rain boots and a bubble umbrella with a hint of pink, the overall look is functional and cute at the same time. Product Information: Rain Boots – Target, Pac-a-Poncho – TopShop, Skinny Jeans – Charlotte Russe, Clear Bubble Umbrella – Target Outfit #4 For those of you who love a classic trench coat, you can keep your rainy day outfit simple by pairing your trench with jeans, and bright rain boots of your choice. Honestly, that’s all you need. The heart shaped umbrella, of course, is a cute extra. Product Information: Trench Coat – Miss Selfridge, Skinny Jeans – American Eagle, Heart Shaped Umbrella – Umbrellaheaven. com, Polka Dot Rain Boots – Target Outfit #5 If you’re not the type to rock a typical rain boot, you can always wear regular boots with a bit of a heel. Layering a pretty, summery dress under a long-sleeved cardigan and 3/4 sleeve jacket will add dimension to your outfit as well as keep you dry. Add black tights and a simple umbrella and you’re set! Product Information: Umbrella – TopShop, Jacket – Newlook. co. uk, Cardigan – TopShop, Boots – Nine West, available at Zappos. com, Dress – Pacsun. com, Footless Tights – TopShop Outfit #6 Here’s a very simple outfit that you could throw on in 5 seconds and wear on a rainy summer day. A striped dress is a step above basic layered under a classic denim jacket. I added some cute pink rain boots, because, well, why not? If pink’s not your thing, you could always wear some basic black motorcycle boots instead. Oh, and how great is the cloud umbrella? Completely genius if you ask me. Do’s ; Don’ts In Monsoon Fashion * Do not wear too much makeup this monsoon, use waterproof ones but in minimal quantity. * Do not use too much synthetic fabric. * Try to stick to some pure blends. * Try not to use those metals which can react to moisture in air. Keep yourself fashioned this monsoon. How big are raindrops? Raindrops are much smaller than we think! They are actually smaller than a centimeter. Raindrops range from 1/100 inch (. 0254 centimeter) to 1/4 inch (. 635 centimeter) in diameter. The largest rain drops ever recorded measure a minimum of 8. 6 mm (0. 338 inches) across and have been detected in Brazil, september 1995 and Marshal Islands, july 1999. The rain drops were measured and imaged while falling by a laser instrument and the results were published in Geophysical Research Letters in 2004. 0 interesting facts about rain 1. In Portugal, the rain is a good reason not to go to work. 2. Rain was the cause of the weather forecasts on the radio. When the American owner of the station was caught in the rain, he established a new category of the weather forecasting, which talked about the rain several times a day. 3. The game of darts appeared because of rain. Once the archers in the competition was caught in the rain. Going to a bar, they started throwing shortened arrows at a target on the wall. 4. In fact, rain has no smell. Flavor of what we refer to the smell of rain, in fact, isolated actin and cyanobacteria. The substance, which gives the smell of rain is called geosmin. 5. People of Uganda are not scared of thunder, since it rains with a thunderstorm about 250 times a year 6. The citizens of Para synchronize the clocks by rain, as the rains come every day at the same time. 7. In arid Botswana people use instead of greeting the word â€Å"poola†, which means â€Å"rain†, as the national currency in the country is also called â€Å"rain†. 8. In Cuba, it rains only during a siesta, and in Thailand – only at night. . In the XVII century in the United Kingdom was passed the law about rain, according to which forecaster can be executed because of incorrect prediction of rain. 10. A person can remain completely dry in the rain, if it rains in the desert. In fact, there are rains in the desert, but it is impossible to know whether it rains or not, because the drops evaporate unde r the impact of hot air. 11. All phrases of Hydrometeorological Center about the rain have a specific meaning. For example, the phrase â€Å"short rain† is meant that the duration of rain will be no more than 3 hours. The phrase â€Å"rain is expected† means the duration of the rain for at least half a day. The phrase â€Å"without significant rainfall† does not mean that rain will not, it means that rain will fall no more than 0. 3 liters per square meter. 12. The rainiest city in the world is Cherrapunji (India). During the year 26 460 mm of rain falls there. 13. The acidity of normal rain is pH 5. 6. If the pH level is lower the rain is called  «acid rain  ». At pH 5. 5 the rain kills the bacteria, but at pH 4. 5 kills insects, amphibians and fish. 14. In the town Winesburg, Ohio, each year on July 29 will certainly rain, it lasts for a hundred years. 5. Today it is possible to make up the artificial rain. Particles of dry ice thrown from the plane directly to the cumulus cloud. In a cloud, carbon dioxide is enveloped with water, and falls as a snowflake, heating on the road and turning into rain. Thus, we can combat with drought or to disperse the clouds. 16. Every year, on t he ground is poured 519,000 km3 of rain (every km3 – a billion tons of water). 17. About one in a hundred million people suffer from allergy to the rain. Any effect of water on the skin can cause redness, swelling, caught in the rain, such people can die. 8. In San Francisco weather station reports about rain with a degree of probability, for example, 4/6. Simply 10 local meteorologists vote on whether it will rain or not, and the result announce in â€Å"relative† form. 19. The heaviest hailstones rained from the sky in Gopalganj 14/04/1986. Weight of one hailstone exceeded 1 kg, from this â€Å"a rain,† 92 people died. 20. The rainiest places on the planet are caught short of water during the winter. After the rainy season, there comes a dry winters so that residents have to buy water in other cities.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Proposal - Essay Example The proposed comprises of preliminary literature review as well that will be beneficial in creating fundamental framework before carrying out the research. Lastly, the research proposal includes methodology section that specifies selection of secondary, as well as primary research methodology that will be very effective in efficient acquisition of data. INTRODUCTION The focus on forming valuable associations with clients is not a fresh approach within the field of business. The growing competition in addition to lessening customer loyalty have created the need for applying innovative tools to facilitate businesses to do well in the competition and win customers’ loyalty by offering more modified products. Fast development within ‘information systems applications’ that allow business-client communication along with the boom of ‘internet technology’ have given companies with additional potential to manage increasing understanding obtained by clients alo ng with the varying nature of their requirements for particular products (Finnegan & Willcocks, p. 94, 2007). Whereas, the mainstream of companies attempt to apply CRM systems, they come across the upsetting reality of the large percentage of collapse within their CRM implementations. As a reply to the need of dealing with the issue of the high failure ratio of CRM ventures, various researchers have created a range of frameworks for CRM implementation. In this regard, the proposed research is an attempt to analyze different factors related to the process of CRM implementation. Research Objectives Before carrying out research, it is very imperative that the researcher ensures clarified understanding of aims and objectives, as it is an observation that vague objectives often result in unproductive outcomes, and thus, the research proposal will now include aims and objectives of the proposed research: Identify and examine various internal and external factors that play a determining ro le in ensuring success of CRM implementation Inspect the level of impact of identified factors in banking institutions in Saudi Arabia Investigate the impact of identified CRM implementation factors in the case study of a two banking organizations in Saudi Arabia Recommend strategies that may ensure successful implementation of CRM in banking institutions and organizations globally, and particularly, in the corporate society of Saudi Arabia Research Statement In this regard, the researcher will focus on the following research statement to fulfill the aims and objectives of the research: â€Å"To identify and investigate the implementation of CRM in Saudi Arabia, and evaluate different factors that ensures successful ERM implementation† LITERATURE REVIEW There is a common recognition among researchers about the classification of CRM constituents. CRM involves three key constituents, which are information technology, individuals, and business traditions. The involvement of ever y part differs in accordance with the level of CRM implementation. Technology means computing potential that let a business to gather, arrange, save, and utilize records regarding its customer. Technology is the facilitator for CRM systems to successfully attain their goals of collecting, categorizing, and saving important information on

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Children's Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children's Literature - Essay Example The cerebellum and basal ganglia follow, to control movement.† (Begley, 2000). Once the system for movement has been established, the child’s limbic system comes into play that enhances the child’s memory as well as feelings. Finally, the child’s cerebral cortex develops to facilitate the process of thinking. New born babies cry when they hear other babies in their surrounding crying. This is fundamentally because of the sympathetic trait of human nature and the intrinsic urge to help others. A 3 months old baby is smart enough to identify his/her mother in the scrambled picture and a 13 to 15 months old child starts to take decisions on his/her level about who to be with and where to be. (Brant and Wingert, 2005). Despite the already developed brain a baby is born with, he/she requires external influence to mature as a child. Intimate relatives, specially the parents play a special role in shaping the children’s approach towards understanding and reacting to the world around them. How a child is treated in his/her early years of childhood has an impact on how the child will treat others when he/she becomes an adult. What he/she is appreciated for and what he/she is taunted for lays the standards for the child to judge the future matters with. If a child is not nurtured properly in the critical initial childhood years, he/she can not be expected to attain leadership qualities in the future. â€Å"Nature and nurture thus appear to act together seamlessly, in a developmental duet.† (Brazelton and Greenspan, 2000). Researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine have discovered that brain of kids who have not been into games or else have not been touched by their parents much are ge nerally 20% to 30% smaller than their counterparts. (Nash, 1997). One of the biggest challenges in front of parents in the modern age is to decide in what hands to

Friday, January 31, 2020

The point in my career Essay Example for Free

The point in my career Essay I never thought of myself as being confident or even reliable.   It sounds worse than it is, I actually never committed to a job or a project that I felt I could not complete.   But I was at a point in my career or even in life in general where I was ready for a major challenge.   I applied for a job with a large school district in the area for an Associate Director position.   This was a big step for me since I always felt my work was nothing out of the ordinary. Part of the interview process was to answer the question, why should we hire you.   In my thought process I began realized the great achievements I have had in my previous jobs.   I talked about my duties and responsibilities, my projects and accomplishments.   I told them how I completed a 5 year back log that no one wanted to touch on my first three months of my first job.   I recalled how appreciative school administrators were when I was able to help them understand their school budget and financial condition. I explained my participation in developing an integrated financial system for the largest school district in the State.   As I answered this question and many more like it, I realized that I am a reliable person that can take on challenges and be sure to complete them.   I also told them about a 2 year program I completed in School Business Management.   I am knowledgeable, innovative and dependable.   My interview was beginning to be impressive.   My confidence during the interview was obvious but appropriate. I ended up getting the job as Associate Director and I entered that position with great confidence.   I knew I had the skills and determination to succeed in that position. I no longer doubted my reliability because in retrospect, I have been extremely reliable exceeding all expectations.   I was able to accomplish major projects in that position and serve my employers and community well.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Vocabulary Definitions: Chapter 10 Review (psych) :: essays research papers

1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Intelligence Quotient - Intelligences quotient is an index of intelligence once calculated by dividing one's tested mental age by one's chronological age and multiplying by 100. Today, IQ is a number that reflects the degree to which a person's score on an intelligence test deviates from the average score of others in his of her age group. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Verbal Scale - Verbal scale is six subtests in the Wechsler scales that measure verbal skills as part of a measure of overall intelligence. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Performance Scale - Performance scale is five subtests in the Wechsler scales that include tasks that require spatial ability and the ability to manipulate materials; these subtests provide a performance IQ. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aptitude Test - Aptitude tests are tests designed to measure a person's capacity to learn certain things or perform certain tasks. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Achievement Test - Achievement tests are measures of what a person has accomplished or learned in a particular area. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Norms - Norms are 1. a description of the frequency at which a particular score occurs, which allows scores to be compared statistically. and 2. a learned, socially based rule that prescribes what people should or should not do in various situations. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reliability - Reliability is the degree to which a test can be repeated with the same results. Tests with high reliability yield scores that are less susceptible to insignificant or random changes in the test taker or the testing environment. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Validity - Validity is the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Factor Analysis - Factor analysis is a statistical technique that involves computing correlations between large numbers of variables. Factor analysis is commonly used in the study of intelligence and intelligence tests. 10.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fluid Intelligence - Fluid intelligence is the basic power of reasoning and problem solving. Fluid produces induction, deduction, reasoning, and understanding of relationships between different ideas. 11.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Crystallized Intelligence - Crystallized intelligence is the specific knowledge gained as a result of applying fluid intelligence. It produces verbal comprehension and skill at manipulating numbers. 12.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Information Processing Approach - Information processing approach is an approach to the study of intelligence that focuses on mental operations, such as attention and memory that underlie intelligent behavior. 13.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Triarchical Theory of Intelligence - Triarchical theory of intelligence is a theory proposed by Robert Sternberg that sees intelligence as involving analytical, creative, and practical dimensions. 14.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Multiple Intelligences - Multiple intelligences are Howard Gardner's theory that people are possessed of eight semi-independent kinds of intelligence, only three of which are measured by standard IQ tests.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Marketing-Case Study on Dunkins Donut

MARKETING – BT10303 Presentation on Case Study Topic †¢ Dunkin’s Donut Group of Member ? Yelly Yong(YE 2007 – 7735) ? Heather Dyi(YE 2007 – 7733) ? Intan Arniesa(YE 2007 – 7729 ? Patrick Laing(YE 2007 – 7731) ? Mohd Raed (YE 2007 – 6892) Date of submission: ? 13th Sept 2009 Lecturer Name ? Ms Grace Phang Introduction of Dunkin’ Donuts [pic] [pic] Dunkin’ Donut is a highly recognizable brand name. Its global presence, strong sales and known brand name are qualities that many people envy. The company has almost 5000 stores worldwide. Dunkin’ Donut attracts customers in large part because of three key feature f its offering – quality, variety and affordability. The company pride itself on quality which makes freshness doughnut and coffee. They offers variety doughnut and flavored coffees. The Dunkin’ Donut also offers convenience which easy access location. Finally, Dunkin’s Donut can be afforded by all level of customer. 1. Would you say that Dunkin’ Donuts is product oriented or customer-oriented? Why? Dunkin’ Donuts are Customer Oriented because their primary goal is to get customer satisfaction which Dunkin Donut was attracting a customer from all level and keep providing a high quality menu item which they serving the customer with a variety doughnuts selection and a great coffee flavour with the reasonable price which can be afford by everyone.. ? Beside Dunkin Donut also work hard by providing high quality menu item and the best service to world wide customer just to earn customer loyalty. 2. What would you guess is Dunkin’ Donuts’ mission statement? What are its corporate goals? Dunkin’ Donuts’ mission statement would be â€Å"to emphasize the strong work ethic to make a good, fresh product, just for the customers†. By this, Dunkin’ Donuts declared its mission as to give full commitment in giving the best value of its customers’ money at anytime. ? The corporate goals would be â€Å"to be a fun company† and to be the best doughnut and coffee combo seller in the world by dominating at least one of these attribute: Doughnut selection, coffee flavor, price or location. 3. How would you tackle the issues of Starbucks and Krispy Kreme invading Dunkin’ Donuts turf? [pic]

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Teachers Evaluation System Thesis - 1108 Words

CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CAVITE CITY CAMPUS TEACHERS EVALUATION SYSTEM (CVSU CCC-TES) Undergraduate Thesis Submitted to the faculty of the Department of Communication and Information Technology Cavite State University Cavite City Campus Cavite City In partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology EUGENE ALLISON CHRISTOPHER GANCAYCO NIÑA NORISA C. MARANGA MELANIE MONTEFALCON March 2014 INTRODUCTION Teacher’s evaluation is an annual process that a management of a certain university is conducting with the participation of their randomly selected students in the purpose of knowing if their professors are doing the teaching protocols that was established by the†¦show more content†¦It will provide the students the opportunity to practice their rights and for the management to lessen the consume time in doing the process. It will also help the researchers and other IT students to gain information in using different PL’s to enhance the system as well as to enhance their skills in designing and creating a useful system. Furthermore, it will also help the researchers to enhance their expertise and to provide innovation of technology. This study will also be useful for other people specially those who are involved in the same line of expertise or those who are facing the same problem to develop their own or an innovation of this study. Time and place of the study This study will be conducted at Cavite State university- Cavite City Campus from June to October 2012. The other conducted researches that are related to the study were implemented at Cavite State University Cavite City Campus. Scope and limitation This study involves the creation of a system called Teacher’s Evaluation System or TES. This system is intended for the management to answer their problems with regards to their teacher’s evaluation process. The evaluators can assess their professors easily by just clicking the mouse. The system will be capable of finishing the process in the minimum approximate time. The system contains some features such as; it will automatically rate scores of the finalist basedShow MoreRelatedWhat I Have Majored And Systems Engineering ( Ise ) For One And A Half Years At Virginia Tech1114 Words   |  5 PagesPersonal Statement I have majored in Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) for one and a half years at Virginia Tech. My passion for ISE originated from my undergraduate studies. I achieved GPA 91/100 and ranked 1/66 when I graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), one of China s top 3 universities offering the Industrial Engineering program. 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I have only been teaching for two years, but I have been in the education field a total of four years including field experiences, student teaching, and two years as a teacher. As I compare my experiences of being the student and being the teacher, I am left with on e thing in mind; things have changed! I agree with Ravitch in saying that theRead MoreEssay about Thesis Document Management System11241 Words   |  45 PagesComputer Studies Thesis Document Management System University of Perpetual Help System DALTA – Calamba Campus College of Computer Studies Thesis Document Management System A Software Project Presented to the Faculty of the College of Computer Studies In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Software Engineering Moreno, Ma. Angelica S. Pua, Abigail A. Torre, Juan Paulo I. March 2014 College of Computer Studies Thesis Document Management System University of Perpetual Help System DALTA – CalambaRead MoreThe Importance Of The Public Education System Essay1504 Words   |  7 Pagesof the public education system in America, as well as the areas in which it could improve to have a more meaningful, lasting effect on the students. I. Introduction A. Background 1. Higher education costs are rising and the demand for basic supplies and services are increasing exponentially, due to a growing population and a consumer society. a. This means that the career path for high school graduates is more diverse than the singular college route that the school system would like every studentRead MoreRaising Standards And Improving The Performance Of All Students1249 Words   |  5 Pagesembrace educational goals, opportunities and activities. Students are as different as the diverse ways in which they learn. The traditional ways of learning where the class is teacher directed is steadily changing to a more students centered environment where students can flourish. Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) are systems that are devised to encourage learners to take control of and manage their own learning. A Personal Learning Environment (PLE) describes the tools, communities, and servicesRead MoreA Report On Beijing Normal University Sexuality Education Program1234 Words   |  5 Pages3. What are the current sexual and reproductive health education needs of primary school students in Beijing? 4. Are there other sources for information where adolescents receive information on sexual and reproductive health besides education systems? (Internet, movies, peers?) 5. What are the challenges in the implementation of the policies of sexual and reproductive health education (including HIV/AIDS education) for adolescents? 6. How can these implementation challenges be overcome