Saturday, December 21, 2019

People With Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Essay

People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) reveal a faster way of learning in some tasks, decreased learning in others, and distinct shortfalls when generalizing to read situations. Late simulations with connectionist models suggest that deficiencies in cortical plasticity mechanisms can account for atypical patterns of generalization appeared by some children with ASD. They tried the surprising theoretical prediction, from past simulations, that the children with ASD who indicate atypical generalization in perceptual categorization tasks will profit more from training with a single prototypical individual from the category than from training with multiple examples, however children with ASD who generalize normally will be comparatively harmed. The experimental results affirmed this prediction, suggesting that plasticity deficiencies may well underlie the troubles that some children with ASD have generalizing skills, and these shortfalls are not particular to the acquisition of socia l skills, yet rather mirror a more general perceptual learning shortage that may impact many abilities. Keywords: Autism learningPerceptual learningNeural Learning, plasticity, and atypical generalization in children with autism People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) indicate enhanced perceptual discrimination abilities in multiple modalities, in any case, often are impaired in perceptual procedures that require complex configural or dynamic information. These individuals also mayShow MoreRelatedChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder1502 Words   |  7 Pagesby a disorder that affects the very things we need to fit in to society. The ability to be able to fit in, communicate and behave in proper ways, allows us to function, work and survive in life. For many children and adults, they live with a disorder that dictates these behaviors and language skills to be very different from the average American. These skills they are challenged with, make it very difficult to live independently. The disorder these individuals live with is called Autism SpectrumRead MoreTypes Of Students With Disabilities1446 Words   |  6 PagesI was given the opportunity to observe different types of students with disabiliti es in a self-contained special education class. I viewed many different types of disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, speech and language impairment, intellectual disabilities, visual impairment, and physical disabilities. Four out of the six students in the self-contained class I observed lacked social, communication, academic, and some behavior problems. Due to many of the students lacking these componentsRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1409 Words   |  6 Pagesboys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States (Autism Speaks, n.d.). Can be diagnosed in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as every age group. In the 2013 publication of DSM-5 diagnostic manual, Asperger syndrome, Autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder- not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) were merged into one category of ASD. This paper will explain what Autism Spectrum Disorder is, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosisRead More The Neurodevelopmental Disorders ( Asd )1693 Words   |  7 PagesThe neurodevelopmental disorders, according to the DSM 5, are a group of conditions with onset in the developmental period. The disorders typically manifest early in development, often before the child enters grade school, and are characterized by developmental deficits that produce impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is newly classified as such; it was once classified as â€Å"Asperger’s Syndrome.† ASD is a severe neurodevelopmental impairmentRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Autism Spectrum Disorders ( Asd )949 Words   |  4 Pages 1. What are the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? As described in the textbook, there is a broad range of characteristics associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). One of the first characteristics noted with ASD is language deficits, or using language in â€Å"odd† ways. As stated in the textbook, â€Å"Children with classic autism may be nonverbal. Alternatively, they may have significant language difficulties, so that their language may consist primarily of echolalia or delayedRead MoreThe Causes Of Childhood Autism1414 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"possible causes of childhood autism.† For example, one is because my little brother is in the process of being diagnosed with autism. Autism can mean a number of things. When people talk about autism, it can either mean autism spectrum disorder, which is a category of disorders, or classical autism ASD includes classical autism. So ASD and autism may be two different things. Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. ASD stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder and can sometimes be referredRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And How It Affects Children1092 Words   |  5 PagesGeneral purpose: To inform Specific purpose: To inform my listeners about Autism spectrum disorder and how it affects children in society today. Central Idea: Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability that affects very many children in the United States today. Although there is no cure for autism, through early intervention, and proper therapies it can reduce the child’s ASD symptoms and improve their ability to grow and learn new skills. INTRODUCTION I. Attention Material A. ImagineRead More Genetics and the Possible Causation of Autism Spectrum Disorders1477 Words   |  6 Pagespsychiatrist, began using the term â€Å"autism†, which stems from the Greek word â€Å"autos†, meaning â€Å"self.† Bleuler used the term to describe a group of symptoms seem in patients suffering from schizophrenia. Essentially, the term means an â€Å"isolated self† or a person excluded from social interactions. In the 1940s, researchers in the United States modified the term to describe children who experienced emotional or social problems. Thus, relinquishing the word â€Å"autism† from its connection to schizophreniaRead MoreWhat Do We Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder?1390 Words   |  6 PagesAbout Autism Spectrum Disorder? Actress Holly Robinson Peete once stated, â€Å"I m not a doctor or scientist. I m just a mom. But I do think there s a genetic predisposition, and there are environmental triggers. I feel like that combination, in my child s case, is what resulted in autism.† Holly Robinson could have not said it in a better way. What is the cause of autism? Is autism solely caused by genetics or a combination of genetics and environmental influences? What does make up autism spectrumRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )909 Words   |  4 PagesAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that is characterized by abnormalities relating to social, behavioral, cognitive and language skills. The genetic architecture of ASD is comprised of a variety of rare mutations. These mutations include monogenic conditions involving autistic symptoms. Furthermore, single nucleotide variants and de novo copy number variants add to disease susceptibility. Inherited Factors Related to ASDs Autosomal recessive loci are

Friday, December 13, 2019

Pit Bull Research Paper Free Essays

Pit bulls are a Misunderstood Breed Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. When people hear the word pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking. When people say â€Å"pit bull† they’re usually referring to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog. We will write a custom essay sample on Pit Bull Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog. Because of this, some areas do not allow pit bulls and breeds like them. Pit bulls are the leading culprit of dog bites in America, but on the other hand, they are the gentlest dogs people will ever meet. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association tested 122 breeds of dog and Pit bulls placed the 4th highest with a 95% passing rate. (http://atts. org Feb 2012) With this fact it can only be how the dog is raised. People who own Pit bulls should be obligated to train their dog well. With any dog you need to train it so the owner has the upper hand. Owners need to know that they have to be dominant and for their dog to be obedient towards their orders. The dog comes second to themselves. Pit bulls are one of the most gentle of the breeds. Pit bulls are notable therapy dogs who visit patients that are recovering from emotional trauma. Pit bulls are also used for their service in sniffing out drugs on the borders due to their sense of smell being stronger than any other breed. These dogs are great family dogs and were babysitters in the 19th and the early 20th centuries. American Pit Bull Terriers were introduced into the United States of America during World War I and World War II. The purpose of the creation of the Pit Bull was to deliver messages back and forth across the battlefield during battle. Pit Bulls were first bred to bait bulls as a sport back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as well, but soon became used as house pets due to their friendliness towards people. They were also known as great babysitters because of their intuition to protect their loved ones. These facts in themselves should open up people’s eyes to the Pit Bull breed not being an aggressive breed simply because they history proves that they had become great pets. A known fact to share is that Theodore Roosevelt owned a pit bull while he was president and his dog was a great sidekick for him in office. His dog provided safety for him, and not just because their dog was fierce, it was because he knew that specific dog could defend, be trained well, and become obedient. Owning a pit bull in today’s society has one of two reactions, they are adored or they are terrifying. The myths and horror stories that people say are why many fear them. They do not have â€Å"lock jaw† like many seem to think. Lock jaw is when a dog bites down on something and can’t let go. A vast majority of the population is known to believe that they have a killer instinct that does not stop, which is entirely not true. One cannot believe everything one reads or hears. There are two sides to every story, yet in this case, there are two sides to every breed. Pit bulls are like any other dog, they have to be trained and if trained right, they can be great family pets. When a pit bull falls in the hands of a bad owner than that is when you may have a problem. It’s easiest to understand this way; Suppose a child has physically abusive parents, they’re either going to grow up believing that harming someone is the only way to teach a lesson, or become skittish towards unfamiliar surroundings. It’s very similar to a dog’s life. They’re known to be physically damaging because they, themselves are physically damaged, because they’re â€Å"tough. † It all makes sense if it’s looked at from every angle of perspectives. Training a dog is not an easy thing, but dogs need extensive training so there will be fewer incidents. It is the concept of nature versus nurture. To this day, there are no facts about this either but both sides have great points and there is no set truth – but everyone seems to have an opinion. â€Å"An unneutered male pit bull is 2. times more likely to bite then a neutered male. In addition, male pit bulls are 6. 2 times more likely to bite then female pit bills. † In a study evaluating canine temperament, 82% of dogs received a passing score, 86. 8% of those dogs where American pit bull terrier (1800PetMeds. com Feb. 2012). There are ways to avoid incidents when in contact with these animals. When appr oached by a pit bull always remain calm, approach the dog slowly from the side not from the back. Do not provoke the dog – always ask the owners to pet the dog first. If an aggressive dog approaches you do not panic, give the dog firm commands like sit, stay, and easy, then back away slowly. When owning a pit bull socialize the dog with people and other animals, get them familiar with animals and people including children. Isolated dogs can become vicious and dangerous so be cautious when in contact with a not so friendly dog. (Skloot, R Aug 2007 Prevention Vol. 59, Issue 8 Pgs. 196-198) Banning a breed, which the technical words are breed specific legislation, is not a good idea. Putting a ban on pit bulls is a less than great idea because people will continue to own pit bulls and hide them or even abandon their dog(s) and leave them to die. The irresponsible owners should deal with heavier fines and possibly jail time and this might scare these owners into training their pit bull properly. There is no proven fact that banning pit bulls will cut down on the number of bites. Not every bull type is a killer so banning bull types is not a good idea. There are many different bull types and it is hard to choose which ones are dangerous. Most cities do not allow â€Å"pit bull breeds,† but why is it that a dog with 10% pit bull in it and 90% Labrador in it should be banned? There are also many apartment complexes that do not allow pit bulls, or other certain breeds of dogs, this is dog discrimination. There are many stories of pit bull dogs doing great things but for some reason, the bad stories are the ones people remember. Dog lovers need to do more to help this breed work towards a better reputation. Dog discrimination is a real thing; People can search for it online. There have also been many cases where certain breeds, namely pit bulls, are not allowed at certain dog parks. This is not politically or socially right. Pit Bulls were born to be great helpers and family pets – they are loyal, independent, friendly and lovable pets. Any pit bull owner will explain how wonderful they are with children, other pets and just about anyone. A friend and current pit bull owner, Sandy Sweeney mentioned â€Å"My dog, Sargent, is my best friend. I feel safe when he is around and know that he would never hurt a soul. He is wonderful with my son and the most loyal animal. I would be the first person to tell anyone how awesome pit bulls are as pets. † (S. Sweeney, October 2012) There are numerous articles online as well stating that pit bulls are great dogs and there bad reputations need to change and are dishonest. Overall, there are many stories – good and bad – describing the temperament of pit bulls but at the same time, there are many stories – good and bad – describing dog stories as well. Although there are some facts that Pit Bulls re the leading cause of dog bites in America, no one can simply use that to say that Pit Bulls are bad dogs and deserve a bad reputation. It comes down to nature vs. nurture and if you raise and train a dog well, any breed, people will see an amazing, wonderful creature who is loyal and with a happy temperament. In conclusion the pit bull is a misunderstood, gentle giant that people need to take the time and get to know. The reas on why this paper was written is so people have the knowledge when dealing with this type of dog. There are irresponsible dog owners out there that don’t care about the actions of their dog. This causes the dogs to have a reputation that no good pit bull owner wants their dog to have. As was stated before, banning pit bulls is a dangerous move to make because there will most likely be more animal cruelty acts upon these gentle beasts. References (http://atts. org Feb 2012) (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) From UOP (Skloot, R Aug 2007 Prevention Vol. 59, Issue 8 Pgs. 196-198) From UOP (S. Sweeney, October 2012) (1800PetMeds. com Feb. 2012) How to cite Pit Bull Research Paper, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sexual Offence Code 2003

Question: Discuss the major changes in new Act named Sexual Offence Code 2003? Answer: Executive summary The England had come up with new Act named Sexual Offence Code 2003 in place of Sexual offence Act 1956.The below report states the key reasons and driving forces for introduction of this strict law. Brief discussion of the new provisions and elements that were focused as center of the act is done. Evaluation of the fact that whether the new act will enable to meet the lacking of old acts? The increasing number of sexual crimes had lead to rethink the government regarding the social security and concern of increasing spoiled environment. The law was initially met with 63 recommendations from review committee, out of 63 only three were not accepted and 60 were accepted. And as a result reforms take place on the Sexual offense. The major findings of the report are showing how the old acts loopholes were overcome. Introduction It is to be noted the old Sexual Act 1956 had been compiled and drawn from number of common acts and Victorian laws, however looking to the increasing number of crimes related to sexual nature, the government had come up with new act Sexual offence code which have extensive coverage of the different type of sexual offences. It was written that It is a patchwork quilt of provisions ancient and modern that works because people make it do, not because there is a coherence and structure, it means the law is based on very outdated situations and does not have provision to give proper justice of existing sexual crime. The said old act did not contain the clear guidance for judicial for decision taking purpose. The law has been defined with no difference in gender for offense. The man intention for reformation of law is to provide clear guidelines to the judicial bodies to pass the judgment. The cases of sexual are very complicated as most of the cases are bases on fact. Determination of th e real fact is the real challenge for judicial office holder. The new act had been framed to support the judges to determine the fact of the case and reach to the conclusion Discussion on Major changes According to the new provision of the act focused as been made at the mental position of the offender, the existence or non existence of consent element. The man offenses have been defines under section 1-8 of the Act. The said offenses is termed as rape if When any man or women have with intention penetrate the vagina or touch with other body part with sexual intention it will be said as offense only The new act has extended the definition of sexual assault by classifying forced oral sex as rape only and penetration of vagina by other modes except penis as offense carried out assault by penetration. Also there are wide types of activity covered under this provision like touch by offender with sexual intention and that is without the consent of another person. To sum up the focus has been diverted to the consent and intention element. If some person make compel another person to involve in the activity of sex This are not in exhaustive nature, number of provision in new act hit offences as rap directly or indirectly. If we talk the general definition if the Rape under the new act, it says as follows: A person is help as guilty for sexual offence, if he With intention abuse the Vagina, Mouth or anus with his penis and The aggrieved party does not have consent and The offender knows that the aggrieved party does not have consent. So to sum up we can say that under the new definition establish the offense existence of penetration by intention , non existence of consent , and knowing the fact of absence of others consent should be exist. It is to be noted that the new act also covers the situation as offence when one person cause another person to involve in sexual activity, and the old act does not have any clear provision in such cases. The new act specifically says such activity as sexual offence, it is also to be noted that in such case women are also said to have committed offence if she makes compel other person to penetrate and or cause to engage in such sexual activity. The problem were arising under old English law for determination of question of consent and other attached problems , however the new acts clear and extensive clarification have made available a clear guide for determination of the facts and related problems . The consent questions were generally remained undefined due to R V Olugboja, h owever the new act has provided new definition of the consent, it says the person is said to have given consent only if he or she ready with choice and at the same time have capacity to make the choice. Provision related to Child Sex It is to be noted that under the old acts, the offender were proved as honest if the child have consent to have sexual activity. Such situation made it very complicated to judge and determines the fact of the case. However under the new acts the sexual activity with minors irrespective of his consent is consider as an offense. The contrary provision related to the child sexual offense under section 5 has been abolished and total four offences are introduce related to sexual acts with children having age below 13, such new provision is applicable to every person regardless of his or her age. It is to be noted that if the child below the age of 13 and it commits the offence than it is not relieved from the provision of the act. The new provisions have cleared revealed the intention of the government to remain very strict in the area of Children sexual offence. Also some of the provision from section 9 to 12 extends the age limit of children from 13 to 16 for proving offences related to sexual act, which says following act as offense Touch to children with sexual intention Causing child to engage in sexual activities , it prohibits the child to make him watch pornography film Engaging in sexual activity by anyone in the presence of children Arranging or causing the children to show sexual act So we can say that acts have resolved the issue regarding the consent and age consideration, the provision is made settled with clear wording in the provision lines. The one option that remains with offender is to produce evidential argument that he or she has reasonable fact to believe that the aggrieved party is over the age of 16. General Additional Provision The new act has cited number of acts as offences and made it wide in scope, some of which are as follow: Arranging and conducting meetings with child for sexual grooming. Under the old acts no charge has been taken against persons meeting with child with sexual intention as actually there is no offence as consent exist, however under the new provision same has been covered as offences only. Carrying out sexual activity by abusing the position of trust Sexual activity between the families members are also considered as offence, under the old Sexual Offence At, the gender base offences are outlined related to incest. However under the nee provision of the Sexual Offence Code 2003, the sexual activity in family with children under the age of 18 is consider as offence. Offences against the Mental disordered person. It is to be noted that, the old act seems outdated in provision for protection of mentally disabled victims. However new provisions contain the detailed provision to give justice The age limit of the consented child pornography has been increased to 18 from 16. The above discussed offences were either not clear under the old act or either not existed in the old act. The Sexual Offence Code 2013 has clearly defined all such offences. Conclusion After discussion of the above facts and provision of the new Sexual offence Act, I can say that there are number of areas where the strict provision are replaced in place of old provision contain in Old act, and fresh provisions are also inserted. The old provision were not proving worth to guide the judicial officer to reach at the right decision or conclusion , however clear citation of the new provisions have enabled them to pronounce right decision with little confusion. There is some provision under old act which remained silent for specific offences; however the new act has removed every contrary and made the provision very clear. Yes of course I believe that the new act has provided sufficient remedies for loopholes for old act as fundamentals and coverage of the act has been increased very much. However the act can prove effective only if the implementation of the each provision is done effectively ate every case References KISHORE JULIAN THAMPY,2004, SEXUAL OFFENCES AND HUMAN RIGHTS A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE SEXUAL OFFENCES ACT 2003, Accessed on 24 March , Cyril Whelan,2004, THE SEXUAL OFFENCES ACT, 2003 IS JERSEY FALLING BEHIND?,Accessed on 25 March 2015, James Andrew Roffee LLB (London) BCL (Oxon) ,2011, The Law on Incest: A New Legal Realist Approach to Understanding the English and Welsh Prohibitions , Accessed on 24 March Anon,n.d., Sexual Offences Act 2003,Accessed on 24 March 2015,, Anon,n.d., CRIMINAL LAW (SEXUAL OFFENCES AND RELATED MATTERS) AMENDMENT ACT 32 OF 2007, Accessed on 24 March 2015, Perry,n.d., Unlucky Section 13: Sexual Activity Between Children and the Sexual Offences Act 2003, Accessed on 24 Ma rch 2015, Law Reforms Commision,2013, SEXUAL OFFENCES AND CAPACITY TO CONSENT, Accessed on 24 March 2015, of justice,2013, An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales,Accessed on 24 March 2015, Home Office ,2000, SETTING THE BOUNDARIES VOLUME I July 2000 Reforming the law on sex offences, Accessed on 24 March 2015, Jo Phoenix,n.d., Out of place: The policing and criminalisation of sexually exploited girls and young women, Accessed on 24 March 2015, Sentencing Council,n.d., S exual Offences Definitive Guideline, Accessed on 24 March 2015,